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Teacher Supply Wish Lists
Many supplies are needed in the classrooms throughout the year. Click a teacher's name to see their wish list.
Jane D'Alessandro
Stephany Woodward
Grade 1
Linda Corson
Susan Lumnah
Diane Mullen
Grade 2
Lisa Reith
Maureen Carbone
Patty Van Mierlo
Caroline McCormick
Grade 3
Catie Campbell
Ms. Martin
Grade 4
Joelle Gioioso
Jennifer Natale
Clare Paget
Jacqueline Drummond
Ms. Johnson
Grade 5
Marian Hamrock
Kathy LeBlanc
Martha Evans - Reading Specialist
Carol Lincoln - Nurse
Shevawn Rollins - Art
Gail Sadowski - Sp. Ed. Gr. 5
Michelle Vasquez - Spanish